Category L

L1L1 compression fractureL1 laminaL1 laminotomyL1 vertebral body levelL1-2L1-L2L1-L3L2L2 on L3L2-3L2-L3L2-L3 diskL2-L3 fusionL2-L3 levelL3 interspinous spaceL3-4L3-L4L3-L4 interspace positionL3-L4 levelL3-L4 regionL3-L4 spaceL3-L4 spinal spaceL4L4 and L5 nerve rootsL4 and L5 rootsL4 interspinous spaceL4 or L3 interspinous spaceL4 posterior elementsL4 to S1L4 vertebraL4-5L4-L5L4-L5 interspaceL4-L5 intervalL4-L5 levelL4-L5 levelsL5L5 and S1 rootsL5 laminaL5 nerve rootL5 nerve root distallyL5 nerve root sleeveL5-S1L5-S1 disc spaceL5-S1 foraminal narrowingL5-S1 interspaceL5-S1 intervalL5-S1 levelL5-S1 nerve rootL5-S1 nerve root regionL5-S1 screwsLab resultsLab testLab workLabiaLaborLabor and DeliveryLaboratoriesLABORATORYLaboratory dataLaboratory studiesLaboratory testsLabral morphologyLabrumLabsLaceratingLacerationLaceration on the back of his headLacerationsLack of concernLack of exerciseLack of femoral head and neck offsetLack of oxygenLack of saliva controlLactated RingersLactuloseLadLAD stenosisLaminaLamina at C4-C5Lamina of C3 through C6Lamina of L3Lamina of L4Lamina of L5Lamina propriaLaminaeLaminasLaminectomyLaminotomiesLaminotomyLaminotomy siteLanguage evaluationLanguage functionLanoxin 0.25 mg dailyLantusLapLap bandLap Band AdjustmentLap band placementLap bandingLap beltLap countLap tiesLap-BandLap-BandingLap-Banding procedureLaparoscopeLaparoscope fundoplicationLaparoscopicLaparoscopic antecolic antegastric Roux-en-Y gastric bypassLaparoscopic antecolic antegastric Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with EEA anastomosisLaparoscopic appendicectomyLaparoscopic approachLaparoscopic cholecystectomyLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy handoutLaparoscopic CryoablationLaparoscopic findingsLaparoscopic fundoplicationLaparoscopic gastricLaparoscopic gastric bandingLaparoscopic gastric bypassLaparoscopic Gastric Bypass ConsultLaparoscopic hand assisted nephrectomyLaparoscopic lysis of adhesionsLaparoscopic procedureLaparoscopic PyeloplastyLaparoscopic right partial nephrectomyLaparoscopic roux en Y gastric bypass surgeryLaparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypassLaparoscopic trocar sitesLaparoscopic vacuum ultrasoundLaparoscopicallyLaparoscopyLaparotomyLarge amount of bloodLarge amount of chylous ascitesLarge and small jointsLarge bowelLarge caliber vasculitisLarge defect between the torn endsLarge diagonal branchLarge fishboneLarge FOV axial T2 3-D gradient echoLarge gauge needleLarge hiatal herniaLarge intestineLarge left-sided spermatoceleLarge median lobeLarge omental to anterior abdominal wall adhesionsLarge pleural effusionLarge Prolene sutureLarge right spermatoceleLarge right-sided hemicraniectomyLarge saddle thrombusLarge sellar and suprasellar massLarge size of her liverLarge spermatoceleLarge stoolLarge subperiosteal hematomaLarge tumorLarge ulceration of the mucosaLarge wire loopLarger scarLaryngeal areaLaryngeal elevationLaryngeal maskLaryngeal mirrorLaryngeal movementLaryngectomyLaryngologyLaryngoscopeLaryngotomyLaryngotracheoplastyLarynxLaserLaser atherectomyLaser excision procedureLaser of VulvaLaser photo-ablationLaseredLashesLasixLasix 40 mg b.i.d.Last layer of laminaLast menstrual periodLast stage effortLast summerLast surgeryLate attempted Kasai portoenterostomyLate componentLate decelerationLate entry dictationLateralLateral abdomenLateral and inferior aspectsLateral ankle sprainLateral aspectLateral aspect of her left great toenailLateral aspect of the ankleLateral aspect of the superior lobe of the left thyroidLateral attachmentsLateral canthiLateral capsulotomyLateral center edge angleLateral collateral ligamentLateral collateral ligament complexLateral collateral ligamentous complexLateral collateral ligamentsLateral compartment articular surfacesLateral decubitus positionLateral deviation of the halluxLateral directionLateral dissectionLateral downslopingLateral extensor hallucis longus tendonLateral facet jointsLateral feetLateral femoral condyleLateral fibroidsLateral footLateral hingeLateral hipsLateral imagesLateral intact cortical hingeLateral joint capsuleLateral lobesLateral lower poleLateral marginsLateral meniscusLateral part of the neckLateral patellar synovial recessLateral pediclesLateral plantarLateral plantar cutaneousLateral plantar cutaneous nervesLateral pocketLateral posterior aspectLateral projectionsLateral proximal tibiaLateral recessLateral recess stenosisLateral releaseLateral supine positionLateral talocalcaneal ligamentsLateral thighsLateral tibial spineLateral tibiofemoral compartmentLateral to the left ureteral openingLateral to the right ureteral openingLateral ulnar collateral ligamentLateral viewLateral wall bladder tumorLateral wound marginsLateralityLateralization of the implantLaterallyLaterally deviatedLatex allergyLatissimus dorsi fasciaLatissimus dorsi flapLatissimus flap harvestLaxativeLaxityLayersLDHLDLLDL cholesterolLead padsLeafletsLeak from the cystic ductLeakageLeakage from the gastrojejuno-anastomosisLeakingLeaking Nephrostomy TubeLeaking of fluidLeathery appearance to the ovariesLEEPLEEP procedureLeep tenaculumLeftLeft adnexaLeft adnexal massLeft adrenalLeft adrenal lesionsLeft adrenal noduleLeft and right at the level of the mid glandLeft ankleLeft anterior axillary lineLeft anterior descending arteryLeft anterior descending percutaneous coronary interventionLeft anterior poleLeft anterior tonsillar pillarLeft antrumLeft armLeft arm brachiocephalic fistulogramLeft arm discomfortLeft arm fistulogramLeft arm painLeft atrial diameterLeft atrial enlargementLeft atriumLeft beating directional preponderanceLeft beating nystagmusLeft belowLeft below-knee amputationLeft BKALeft bladderLeft brachiocephalic fistulaLeft buttockLeft caudateLeft cavernous sinusLeft common femoral arteryLeft distal foot plantar fasciaLeft distal lateral foot fifth ray amputation open woundLeft dominantLeft elbowLeft elbow fracture dislocationLeft elbow manipulationLeft elbow with retained hardwareLeft epididymectomyLeft epididymisLeft epididymitisLeft external iliac arteryLeft external iliac artery angioplastyLeft external iliac artery stent placementLeft external iliac systemLeft eyeLeft facet arthropathyLeft fallopian tubeLeft faucial tonsilLeft femoral arteryLeft femoral headLeft femoral neckLeft femoral regionLeft femoral veinLeft femoral vesselLeft fifth ray amputationLeft fifth toeLeft flankLeft flank incisionLeft footLeft foot abscessLeft forearm and left upper arm fistula placementsLeft forearm arteriovenous Gore-Tex bridge fistulaLeft forearm bridge fistulaLeft forefoot areaLeft fourth digitLeft frontalLeft greater than rightLeft groinLeft gutter areaLeft handLeft heelLeft hemiscrotumLeft hemisphereLeft hepatic lobeLeft hipLeft hip avascular necrosisLeft hip jointLeft impingementLeft inferior neural foraminal narrowingLeft inguinal areaLeft inguinal ligamentLeft inguinal regionLeft ischial regionLeft ischial ulcerLeft kidneyLeft kneeLeft knee jointLeft knee painLeft knee radiographsLeft knee semimembranosus bursitisLeft knee surgeryLeft knee ultrasoundLeft L4 through S1 segmental pedicle screw instrumentationLeft L5 nerve root sleeve impingementLeft labiaLeft laparoscopic hand-assisted nephrectomyLeft lateral aspect of the abdominal wallLeft lateral decubitus positionLeft lateral fifth ray amputation site cellulitisLeft lateral foot ulcerLeft lateral lobeLeft lateral positionLeft lateral recessLeft lateral wallLeft lateral wall bladder tumorLeft legLeft lower extremityLeft lower extremity angiogramLeft lower lobeLeft lower lobe calcified granulomaLeft lower quadrantLeft lower quadrant painLeft lungLeft main distal diseaseLeft mastectomyLeft medial foot and ankle painLeft medial knee painLeft medial umbilical ligamentLeft midfootLeft narisLeft neck and shoulder painLeft neck regionLeft neglectLeft neural foraminaLeft neural foraminal narrowingLeft obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstructionLeft of midlineLeft ovarian fossaLeft ovarian lesionLeft ovaryLeft paraaortalLeft paracentral disc herniationLeft paracentrallyLeft paraspinal musclesLeft parietal lobeLeft parietal region of her scalpLeft partial nephrectomyLeft pleural cavityLeft posterior axillary lineLeft posterior cervical spaceLeft posterior-lateral axisLeft proximal fourth toe phalanxLeft quadratus femoris muscleLeft radical nephrectomyLeft renal bleedLeft renal cell carcinomaLeft renal cystLeft renal cyst decorticationLeft renal massLeft S1 nerve root sleeve impingementLeft salpingo-oophorectomyLeft scrotal explorationLeft second metatarsal headLeft shoulderLeft sideLeft side downLeft side of her mouthLeft side of the abdomenLeft side of the neckLeft side of the tongueLeft side up, right side down oblique positionLeft sided chest painLeft spermatoceleLeft spermatocelectomyLeft spermatocelectomy/epididymectomyLeft superficial femoral arteryLeft superficial femoral artery laser atherectomyLeft superficial femoral artery percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplastyLeft superficial femoral artery subtotal stenosisLeft superior tonsillar poleLeft suprapubic midlineLeft testicleLeft testicular painLeft testicular swellingLeft testicular torsionLeft testisLeft third digitLeft thyroidLeft thyroid glandLeft thyroid lobeLeft thyroid massLeft tonsilLeft total hip replacementLeft total knee arthoplastyLeft total knee replacementLeft total thyroid lumpectomyLeft tubeLeft upper arm brachiocephalic fistulaLeft upper extremityLeft upper lobe of the lungLeft upper thighLeft ureterLeft ureteral stentLeft ureteropelvic junction obstructionLeft urethraLeft uterosacral ligamentLeft ventricleLeft ventricle wall liningLeft ventricular cavity sizeLeft ventricular ejection fractionLeft ventricular functionLeft ventricular outflow tract gradientLeft ventricular systolic functionLeft wristLeft-hand sideLeft-sidedLeft-sided chest painLeft-sided chest tightnessLeft-sided hemiparesisLeft-sided intracranial pressure monitorLeft-sided neck painLeft-sided numbnessLeft-sided parotid lesionLeft-sided spermatoceleLeft-sided very large hemicraniectomyLeft-sided weaknessLeftward cordLeftward inferior end plateLeftward tiltLeftward ventral aspect of the cordLegLeg and foot swellingLeg edemaLeg lengths grossly symmetricLeg ulcersLeg walkingLegsLeichte Femurkopf- und HalsverschiebungLeksell rongeurLengthLength and thicknessLength of the Achilles tendonLength of the esophagusLength of the stenosisLengthy narrativeLesionLesionsLesions with left adrenal glandLess superficial femoral arteryLess than 50 ccLesser curveLesser spaceLethargicLetterLetter of approvalLetter of medical necessityLeucovorinLeukocytesLeukocytosisLevaquinLevator ani musclesLevelLevel 1 hemicraniectomyLevel 2, 3, 4 neck dissectionLevel 2A contentsLevel 3, 4 tracheal ringLevel 4Level of boneLevel of capsuleLevel of deep fasciaLevel of L4-L5Level of L5-S1Level of the aortic archLevel of the Berry's ligamentLevel of the C4/5 intervertebral disc spaceLevel of the cricoid cartilageLevel of the cricothyrotomy incisionLevel of the fasciaLevel of the hilumLevel of the inferior peroneal retinaculumLevel of the peritenonLevel of the petiole of epiglottisLevel of the tableLevel of the umbilicusLevel of the upper occipital lobeLevels 2, 3, 4 neck dissection specimensLevels 3 and 4Levels of L3-L4Levels of L4-L5Levels of L5-S1LevothyroxineLFTsLidocaineLidocaine 1%Lidocaine 2%Lidocaine ointmentLidsLife long nonsmokerLife-saving procedureLiftLifting objects off the floorLigamentLigament of TreitzLigament of Wrisberg attachmentLigament over the sacralLigamentous chip avulsionLigamentous inflammatory thickeningLigamentsLigamentum flavumLigamentum flavum thickeningLigamentum teresLigasureLigaSure deviceLigateLigatedLigatingLightLight reflexLight sensitivityLight touchLikely benign mixed tumorLikely infectious or inflammatory in etiologyLimbsLimited akinesiaLimited range of motionLindholm laryngoscopeLine of ToldtLinear capsular incisionLinear dilated lymphatic channelsLinear erosionsLinear fluid signalLinear hyper intense signalLinear incisionLinear midline incisionLinesLingualLingual frenulectomyLingual frenulumLingual range of motionLingual tonsillar tissueLinguisticLinguistic deficitsLinguistic impairmentLinguistic skillsLiningLining of her stomachLipaseLipase countLipectomyLipid profileLipitorLipodystrophyLipodystrophy of the abdomenLipodystrophy of the abdomen and thighsLipodystrophy of the thighsLipomatous hypertrophyLiposuctionLipsLiquid dietLiquidsLisfranc jointLisfranc’s ligamentLisinoprilLisinopril 20 mg dailyLithotomyLithotomy positionLiverLiver and heart failureLiver cirrhosisLiver cirrhosis caused by alcoholLiver diseaseLiver enzymesLiver function profileLiver function testsLiver panelLiver problemsLiver retractorLiver transplant listLMALMA anesthesiaLMPLNs laterocervikal leftLobular cut surfaceLobulated cystic structureLocalLocal anesthesiaLocal anestheticLocal bone graftLocal compressionLocal digital blockLocal fascitisLocal lidocaineLocal MACLocal oncologistLocal wound careLocal wound insufflationLocalizer sequenceLocalizing cross-table x-rayLocalizing fluoroscopyLocated between the shoulder bladesLocationLockingLoculated fluid collectionLong Allis clampLong arm Austin osteotomyLong axis PDLong bonesLong dorsal armLong extensor tendonLong head biceps anchorLong history of bilateral hip diseaseLong history of rheumatoid arthritisLong latencies respondingLong Medifast dietingLong periods of restLong radiolunate ligamentLong radiolunate ligament ganglion cystsLong spinal needleLong-arm Austin osteotomyLong-term careLong-term complication of gastric bypassLong-term complicationsLong-term follow-upLong-term followupLong-term goalsLong-term indwelling catheterLong-term relief of symptomsLong-term successLong-term therapy goalLongest diameter of tumorLongitudinal incisionLongitudinal interstitial tearLongitudinal interstitial tearsLongitudinal mannerLongitudinal skin incisionLongitudinal venotomyLongstanding hypertensionLongstanding morbid obesityLongus safe planeLoop #1 PDSLoop of small bowelLoop PDSLooped #1 PDSLoose disc piecesLoose hardwareLoose pieces of discLoose stoolLoose stoolsLoosening stoolsLopressorLoratadineLorcetLortabLortab ElixirLosing total control of bowel or bladder functionLossLoss of disc heightLoss of disk heightLoss of disk signalLoss of medial fullnessLoss of motor skillsLoss of voiceLot of stressLotrelLoud obnoxious snoringLoupe magnificationLovenoxLovenox subcutaneouslyLow back degenerating discsLow back painLow bladder volumesLow blood pressureLow calciumLow cardiac reserveLow dose tramadolLow ejection fractionLow grade interstitial tearLow lithotomy positionLow normal ejection fractionLow residue dietLow signal intensityLow signal intensity fociLow T1 signal intensityLow transverseLow transverse c sectionLow transverse C-sectionLow transverse skin incisionLow transverse uterine incisionLow-calorie weight loss dietLow-fatLow-grade chondral thinningLow-grade feverLow-grade feversLow-grade ligamentous injuryLow-grade ligamentous sprainLow-grade ligamentous sprainslow-grade longitudinal interstitial tearLow-grade type feverLow-lying soleus muscleLow-oxygen saturationLow-potassium dietLow-salt, low-fat dietLow-Transverse C-SectionLow-transverse incisionLower abdomenLower abdominal wallLower axillaLower backLower back painLower end of the conusLower end of the fractured catheterLower esophagusLower extremitiesLower extremities are normal in colorLower extremityLower extremity angiogramLower extremity bypass surgeriesLower extremity edemaLower extremity examLower extremity ROMLower extremity weaknessLower left #17Lower left first metatarsalLower legsLower limits of normalLower lip weaknessLower lumbar regionLower most trocar siteLower pelvic crampingLower poleLower pole of the kidneyLower skin crease of the neckLower teethLower urinary tractLower uterine segmentLower uterine wallLowest levelLudwig's syndromeLumbarLumbar catheterLumbar diskitisLumbar fasciaLumbar laminectomyLumbar laminotomyLumbar laminotomy with discectomyLumbar levelsLumbar lordosisLumbar paraspinal musculatureLumbar punctureLumbar puncture sitesLumbar regionLumbar spinal canalLumbar spinal catheterLumbar spineLumbar spondylolysisLumbar spondylosisLumbar stenosisLumbar subarachnoidLumbar subarachnoid drainLumbar subarachnoid spaceLumbar surgeryLumbarizationLumbodorsal fasciaLumbosacral fasciaLumbosacral radiculopathyLumbosacral spineLumenLumen catheterLumen of the stomachLungLung and prostate problemsLung apicesLung cancerLung examLung parenchymaLung soundsLungsLunotriquetralLunotriquetral jointLunotriquetral joint spaceLunotriquetral ligamentLupusLupus anticoagulantLVLV systolicLV systolic functionLWK 1LWK2LWK2 to BWK11Lying supineLymphLymph nodeLymph nodesLymph systemLymph-node metastasesLymphadenitisLymphadenopathyLymphangiectasiaLymphaticLymphatic abnormalityLymphatic leakLymphaticsLymphomaLyricaLysis of adhesionsLysis of adhesions and removal