Category N

N.p.o.NADNail baseNailsNails #1 leftNails #1 rightNamendaNaming subtestNaprosynNarcanNarcotic pain medicineNarcoticsNaresNarrativeNarrowed bandNarrowingNarrowing both neuroforaminaNarrowing of the thecal sacNasalNasal cavityNasal congestionNasal CPAPNasal dischargeNasal mucosaNasal oxygenNasal passageNasal passagesNasal pressureNasal spraysNasal symptomsNascobalNasoenteric feeding tubeNasogastric enteral feeding supplementsNasogastric tubeNasonexNasopharyngeal tissueNasopharynxNasotracheal routeNational Institute of Health CriteriaNative malaiseNature of the proposed procedureNauseaNausea and vomitingNaviculocuneiform articulationsNear obstructing lesion at the hepatic flexureNear obstructionNear syncopal episodeNear-cavity obliterationNeckNeck areaNeck dissectionNeck examNeck explorationNeck fullnessNeck hyperextensionNeck mobileNeck obstructionNeck painNeck stiffnessNeck traumaNeck veinsNeck woundNecrosisNecroticNecrotic fasciaNecrotic fatNecrotic tissueNeed for additional treatmentNeed for calcium supplementationNeed for continued hospitalizationNeed for endoscopyNeed for further surgeryNeed for reoperationsNeed for thyroid medicationNeeding for nephrectomyNeedleNeedle biopsyNeedle countNeedle countsNeedle drainageNeedle puncture sites levelNeedle tip Bovie dissectionNeedlesNegativeNegative abdominal painNegative allergiesNegative back painNegative BarlowNegative bleedingNegative bruisabilityNegative chest painNegative chillsNegative diplopiaNegative dysphagiaNegative dyspnea on exertionNegative dysuriaNegative edemaNegative fatigueNegative feverNegative for abnormal bleedingNegative for achingNegative for acute cholecystitisNegative for alcoholNegative for anemiaNegative for anginaNegative for any abnormal bruisingNegative for any chest painNegative for any chillsNegative for any cutsNegative for any dysuriaNegative for any feversNegative for any hematuriaNegative for any incontinenceNegative for any insect bitesNegative for any joint painsNegative for any liver diseaseNegative for any nauseaNegative for any rashesNegative for any vomitingNegative for any weight lossNegative for back painNegative for bleedingNegative for breast lumpsNegative for cancerNegative for change in stoolNegative for chemotherapyNegative for diabetesNegative for drinkingNegative for dysuriaNegative for fatigueNegative for feverNegative for gallbladder diseaseNegative for headNegative for heartburnNegative for hematuriaNegative for hemorrhoidsNegative for hepatitisNegative for herniaNegative for illicit drugsNegative for incontinenceNegative for itchingNegative for nipple changesNegative for nipple dischargeNegative for painNegative for peptic ulcer diseaseNegative for rashesNegative for rectal painNegative for sexually transmitted diseasesNegative for skin changesNegative for smokingNegative for steroidsNegative for thyroid problemsNegative for tobaccoNegative for UTINegative for vaginal dischargeNegative for vomitingNegative for weight changeNegative for yeast infectionsNegative frequencyNegative GI workupNegative headachesNegative hearing impairmentNegative hematemesisNegative impaired visionNegative incontinenceNegative jaundiceNegative joint painNegative lymph node enlargementNegative myalgiaNegative nauseaNegative night sweatsNegative OrtolaniNegative palpationsNegative postnasal dripNegative rashNegative scotomataNegative seizuresNegative sore throatNegative stiffnessNegative syncopeNegative tinnitusNegative tremorNegative urgencyNegative vertigoNegative visual changesNegative vomitingNegative weaknessNegligible spondylolisthesisNeo-SynephrineNeoplasiaNeoplasmNeoplastic fociNeosporin ointmentNephrectomyNephrogramNephrolithiasisNephrologyNephrology followupNephrology office visitNephrosclerosisNephrostomyNephrostomy siteNephrostomy tubeNephrostomy tube leftNephrostomy tube on the rightNephrostomy tubesNerveNerve block injectionNerve conduction studiesNerve injuryNerve Integrity monitoring systemNerve Integrity monitoring system endotracheal tubeNerve rootNerve root retractorNerve rootsNervesNervous systemNeural foramenNeural foraminaNeural foraminal narrowingNeural foraminal stenosisNeural foraminotomiesNeuroNeuro checkNeuro examNeuro ICUNeurofamina compromiseNeuroforamenNeuroforaminaNeuroforaminal areaNeurogenic bladderNeurogenic claudicationNeurologicNeurologic examNeurologicalNeurological examNeurological sequelaNeurologically intactNeurologyNeuromaNeuromuscular electrical stimulationNeuromuscular electrical stimulation therapyNeuromuscular electrical stimulationsNeurontinNeuropathiesNeuropathyNeurophysiologic monitoringNeurophysiologic monitorsNeuropsychiatricNeuropsychologic testingNeurosurgeryNeurovascular bundlesNeurovascular structuresNeutral forward gazeNeutral positionNeutral sittingNeutral/sitting positionNew incisionNew rashesNew tumorNew versus old fractureNew-onset swellingNew-onset swelling of the tongueNewbornNewborn infantNewer areaNewportNexiumNezhat dorsi suction irrigatorNG and Foley cathetersNG decompressed preoperativelyNG decompressionNG tubeNG tube fedNGSNice length of veinNice palpable thrillNicotin-consumptionNifedipine extended releaseNight sweatsNipple dischargeNipple retractionNipples evertedNitrate responsiveNitrazineNitritesNitro pasteNitro-Dur patch dailyNitrofurantoinNitroglycerinNitroglycerin sublingual p.r.n.Nitroglycerin tabletNitroglycerin tabletsNitroglycerin topicalNKDANo abdominal painNo abnormal extraaxial fluid collectionsNo abnormal intraparenchymal enhancementNo abnormalitiesNo abnormally large lymph nodesNo abscessNo accessory muscle useNo active Crohn's diseaseNo active marrow stress phenomenonNo activity restrictionNo actual torsionNo acute distressNo acute full thickness cruciate ligament tearNo acute infarctNo acute respiratory distressNo acute ST-T changesNo adenopathyNo adnexal massesNo aggressive bony lesionsNo air-fluid levelsNo aneurysmNo aortic stenosisNo apparent cervicalNo apparent dischargeNo apparent distressNo areas of inflammationNo ascitesNo asymmetryNo AV nickingNo AVNNo bleedingNo bloodNo bone marrow edemaNo bowel issuesNo bowel obstructionNo Brudzinski signNo bruisingNo bruitNo bruitsNo bulgingNo bullaNo canal or foraminal stenosisNo canal stenosisNo carotid bruitNo carotid bruitsNo central necrosisNo cervical adenopathyNo cervical lymphadenopathyNo change in daytime staminaNo chest painNo chillsNo chondral defectNo cleftNo click or clunkNo clicksNo clubbingNo colicNo collectionsNo comparisonNo complaintsNo complete tearNo complicationsNo compressive massNo compressive mass within the carpal tunnelNo constitutional symptomsNo coronary artery diseaseNo coughNo cracklesNo crepitationsNo CSF leakNo CVA tendernessNo cyanosisNo definite cord signal abnormalityNo deformitiesNo delaminationNo demonstrated peroneal tendon tearNo demonstrated tendon tearNo destructive bony lesionsNo detachmentNo disc bulgeNo disc herniationNo disc herniation or bulgingNo disc osteophyte complexNo disc protrusionNo dischargeNo discomfort on presentationNo discrete stone or massNo discrete tearNo DISI deformityNo disruption of its fibresNo distressNo diverticuliNo drainNo drainageNo dullness to percussionNo dysarthriaNo dyspneaNo dysuriaNo ecchymosisNo edemaNo effusionNo egophonyNo enlarged liverNo enlarged spleenNo erosions of the inferior neck of the talusNo erythemaNo erythema or nodules notedNo ethanolNo evidenceNo evidence of a tearNo evidence of abnormal elevationNo evidence of acetabular labral tearNo evidence of acute coronary syndromeNo evidence of anemiaNo evidence of bleedingNo evidence of cystitisNo evidence of disease clinically or radiologicallyNo evidence of distressNo evidence of external migrationNo evidence of fracture/dislocationNo evidence of herniaNo evidence of iliopsoasNo evidence of infectionNo evidence of inflammationNo evidence of instabilityNo evidence of intracranial hemorrhageNo evidence of jaundiceNo evidence of Morton's neuromaNo evidence of respiratory distressNo evidence of ruptureNo evidence of strangulationNo evidence of tendinosisNo evidence of thyromegalyNo evidence of violationNo exudateNo fatigueNo femoral or inguinal lymphadenopathyNo feverNo flank painNo fluctuanceNo focal deficitsNo focal osteochondral impactionNo focal weakness or numbnessNo foraminal stenosisNo foreign bodiesNo foreign bodyNo fractureNo free fluidNo frequencyNo further identifiable bleedingNo gallopNo gallopsNo GI issuesNo granulation tissueNo gross deformitiesNo gross evidence of blood lossNo gross thecal sac deformityNo growthNo guarantees or warranteesNo guardingNo Haglund's deformityNo hair growthNo hair tuftNo heart soundsNo heavesNo hematemesisNo hematuriaNo hemoptysisNo hemorrhoidsNo hepatomegalyNo hepatosplenomegalyNo herniaNo herniationNo high-grade chondral lossNo high-grade or full-thickness tearNo historyNo history of allergiesNo history of any cancerNo history of arrhythmiasNo history of coronary artery diseaseNo history of CVANo history of diabetesNo history of diabetes mellitusNo history of emotional labilityNo history of goiterNo history of headachesNo history of heart attackNo history of hoarsenessNo history of hypertensionNo history of migrainesNo history of OB/GYN problemsNo history of other neurologic conditionsNo history of recreational drug useNo history of sinusitisNo history of sore in the mouthNo history of STDsNo history of strokeNo history of strokesNo history of swellingNo history of syncopeNo history of TIANo history of tinnitusNo history of vertigoNo history of visual lossNo history of weight lossNo hyperresonanceNo hypertrophyNo icterusNo improvementNo incontinenceNo infectionsNo injury to the bowelNo intraarticular loose fragment or bodyNo intracardiac massesNo intracranial hemorrhageNo intraoperative complicationsNo intraoperative eventsNo ischemic changes are notedNo isthmusNo IV drug useNo jaundiceNo jugular venous distentionNo jugular venous pressure distentionNo JV distentionNo JVDNo Kernig signNo known allergiesNo known allergies to medicationsNo known drug allergiesNo known heart problemsNo known injuryNo known medicine allergiesNo known traumaNo leakNo leaking of urineNo left-sided parotid massNo lesionNo lesionsNo lesions lidsNo local or distant metastasisNo low signal intensity focusNo lymph node swellingNo lymph nodesNo lymphadenopathyNo lymphadenopathy notedNo major surgeryNo malalignmentNo massNo mass lesionNo massesNo medicationsNo medications regularlyNo medsNo melenaNo meningismusNo meniscal tearNo Metastatic Bone LesionsNo metastatic bony lesionsNo midline shiftNo mucositisNo murmurNo murmur appreciatedNo murmursNo narrowingNo nauseaNo neural foraminal narrowingNo new dental fracturesNo new skin rashesNo nipple dischargeNo obvious active leakNo obvious adenopathyNo obvious massNo obvious murmurNo obvious ralesNo obvious skin breakdownNo obvious wheezesNo occult or stress fractureNo occult osteochondral talar dome defectNo oral or nasal dischargeNo organomegalyNo oropharyngeal lesionsNo osteochondral defectNo osteochondral defect of the capitellumNo other health concernsNo other medicationsNo painNo pallorNo palpable lymph nodesNo palpable nodulesNo palpitationsNo papilledemaNo paraspinal massesNo paraspinal soft tissue massNo pathologically enlarged lymph nodesNo pedal edemaNo penetration outside the pedicle vertebral bodyNo perforationNo pericardial effusionNo pericardial rubNo peripheral edemaNo petechiaNo petechiaeNo pharyngeal mucosal lesionNo pitsNo plantar fasciitisNo pleural rubsNo pneumoniaNo pneumothoraxNo polypsNo previous studiesNo previous surgeriesNo previous surgeryNo prior examsNo prior history of coronary artery diseaseNo priors available for comparisonNo pulseNo pulse distallyNo purulent or other dischargeNo ralesNo rashNo rashesNo reboundNo recent feverNo recent weight changeNo rectal fissuresNo recurrent massNo red streakingNo retained hardwareNo retractionNo retractionsNo rhonchiNo rigidityNo rubNo rubsNo S3No S4No S4 gallopNo sacral dimpleNo scarsNo secondary findings of a midfoot pronating forceNo seminal vesicleNo shortness of breathNo sign of infectionNo significantNo significant abnormalitiesNo significant additional tissueNo significant amount of edemaNo significant carotid bruitsNo significant chamber enlargementNo significant intermetatarsal bursitisNo significant lateral shiftNo significant murmursNo significant neural foraminal narrowingNo significant obstruction distallyNo significant past medical problemsNo significant skin lesionsNo signs of bony abnormalityNo signs of meningismusNo signs of obstructionNo sinus tendernessNo skin rashNo spinal canal stenosisNo spontaneous respirationsNo stonesNo stooling problemsNo stress fractureNo stricturesNo strokesNo subcutaneous massesNo suggestion of abscessNo suspicious bone lesionNo suspicious focal lesionsNo suspicious prevertebral or posterior paraspinal soft tissue signal abnormalityNo swellingNo swelling to the legsNo symptomsNo syncopal episodesNo syncopeNo tactile fremitusNo tagsNo tendernessNo tenosynovitisNo tensionNo testis necrosisNo thyromegalyNo tissues sent to pathologyNo tobaccoNo true painNo urgencyNo valley feverNo vegetationsNo visible exudateNo vision or hearing changeNo voidingNo vomitingNo weaknessNo wheezesNo wheezingNo widening of the aortic impulseNocturiaNocturnal anginal symptomsNodeNodulesNon enhancing cystic fociNon enlargedNon-cardiac arm painNon-fluentNon-foodstuff materialNon-ictericNon-insertional Watershed zoneNon-insulin diabetes mellitusNon-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitusNon-obstructingNon-prescription antifungal powderNon-small cell lung cancerNon-specific hepatitisNon-tenderNon-tender to palpationNon-weightbearingNoncontributoryNondiagnostic adenosine stress testNondisplaced pathologic fractureNondisplaced right glenoid neck fractureNondisplaced Salter II fractureNondisplaced transverse fractureNondisplaced Vertical Fracture LineNondistendedNondistended abdomenNondrinkerNondysmorphic-appearing infantNoneNone availableNonfocalNonfunctioning right kidneyNonhealing decubitus ulcerNonicteric scleraeNonlabored breathingNonoperative treatmentsNonpalpable thyroidNonpulsatile flowNonreassuring fetal heart rateNonreassuring fetal heart tonesNonreassuring fetal heart tracingNonreducible umbilical herniaNonsignificantNonsmokerNonspecificNonspecific patchy ground glass opacificationNonsterile tourniquetNonstress testNonsurgical methods of weight lossNonsurgical weight lossNontenderNontender backNontender to palpationNontoxicNonviable and viable skinNonweightbearingNonweightbearing areaNorco for painNormalNormal affectNormal ambulationNormal amount of indurationNormal appearance of the tricuspid and mitral valvesNormal appearingNormal appearing breasts bilaterallyNormal appearing cortexNormal appearing medullaNormal appearing white and red pulpNormal backNormal benign abdominal examNormal bilaterallyNormal bowel patternNormal bowel soundsNormal breath sounds heard bilaterallyNormal buccal membranesNormal caliber cavernous carotid flow voidsNormal cardiaNormal cardiac chambers sizeNormal cervical lordosisNormal Child Exam TemplateNormal child physical exam templateNormal claviclesNormal colonNormal colorNormal cone of lightNormal contourNormal coronary arteriogramNormal deltoid ligamentous complexNormal descending aorta pulsatilityNormal disc spaceNormal disc spacesNormal disk signalNormal distal tibiofibular syndesmotic ligamentous complexNormal dorsalis pedis pulsationsNormal endoscopyNormal ENT ExamNormal fashionNormal fatNormal Female Exam TemplateNormal female multisystem examNormal female review of systems templateNormal Female ROS TemplateNormal femoral pulsesNormal flexible sigmoidoscopyNormal flexor digitorum longus tendonNormal flowNormal gaitNormal gallbladderNormal gumsNormal head and neck examNormal head CTNormal hearingNormal heartNormal heightNormal in caliberNormal in courseNormal intracardiac and great vessel relationshipsNormal lateralNormal left mainNormal left ventricleNormal left ventricular functionNormal left ventricular sizeNormal levelNormal level speechNormal limitsNormal locationNormal lumbosacral vertebral body heightNormal lung excursionNormal lungsNormal LVNormal LV diastolic functionNormal LV functionNormal LV systolicNormal LV systolic functionNormal male breast tissueNormal Male Exam TemplateNormal male genitaliaNormal male multisystem examNormal marrow signalNormal marrow storesNormal moodNormal morphology of aortic valveNormal morphology of mitral valveNormal morphology of pulmonary valveNormal morphology of tricuspid valveNormal movementNormal mucosaNormal muscle bulk and signalNormal negative for feverNormal Newborn H&P TemplateNormal newborn infant physical examNormal nuclear myocardial perfusion scanNormal orientationNormal oropharynxNormal ovariesNormal parenchymaNormal penisNormal physical examNormal Physical Exam TemplateNormal pinnaeNormal plantar calcaneonavicular spring ligamentNormal plantar fasciaNormal PMINormal positionNormal post-gastric bypass anatomyNormal postoperative hernia repairNormal precordiumNormal pressure hydrocephalusNormal pressuresNormal range of motionNormal rangesNormal renal cortexNormal review of systems templateNormal right tubeNormal right ventricleNormal rootNormal ROS TemplateNormal S1Normal S2Normal salineNormal saline solutionNormal setNormal shapeNormal signal intensityNormal sinus flipped T-wavesNormal sinus rhythmNormal size and positionNormal size left ventricleNormal size right ventricleNormal speechNormal sterile fashionNormal strengthNormal structuresNormal systolic functionNormal talar domeNormal talonavicular articulationNormal tanner INormal tendonNormal thoracic kyphosisNormal TMsNormal toneNormal tricuspid inflowNormal tubesNormal upper endoscopyNormal upper endoscopy to the transverse duodenumNormal upper tractsNormal uterusNormal vasectomyNormal vesselsNormal volumeNormal wall motionNormal with no Orthostatic DropNormal-appearing external genitaliaNormally locatedNormocephalicNorvascNoseNose and throatNose normalNosebleedNosebleedsNostrilNostrilsNot drinking alcoholNot encroaching on the lumenNot enlargedNot enlarged by palpationNot optimally assessedNot oriented x3Not severeNot stand uprightNot taking in many caloriesNot very significantNothing significantNovel osteolytic bone lesionsNovel small osteolytic lesionsNovoLogNPONSAIDSNSVDNTRKNuclearNuclear interpretationNuclear medicine hepatobiliaryNuclear medicine hepatobiliary scanNuclear myocardial perfusion scanNuclear scanNuclear stress testNucleusNucleus pulposusNumber of fieldsNumber of problemsNumbnessNumbness of all four extremitiesNumerous diverticulaNurolonNursery nurseNursingNursing homeNursing home dischargeNursing notesNursing personnelNursing staffNutritionNutritional and metabolic problemsNutritional standpointNutritionistNylonNylon sutureNystagmusNystatin swish and swallow