10 rules for a healthy diet for cancer

Learn how a healthy and balanced diet can help with cancer, based on 10 science-based tips from the DGE, IARC and WCRF for a cancer-preventive diet.
The role of nutrition in cancer
A balanced and healthy diet plays an important role in cancer for several reasons: Healthy eating can boost the immune system, helping the body to be better able to fight cancer cells. A balanced diet can help to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Certain nutrients, such as antioxidants, can help to repair cell damage and thus reduce the risk of cancer.
Nutrition during cancer treatment
Cancer and the associated therapy can often lead to impaired appetite and digestion. A balanced diet can help to ensure that the body is supplied with sufficient nutrients to help the body recover. A balanced diet can also help the body respond better to cancer treatment. Certain nutrients can help reduce the side effects of therapy and help the body recover more quickly.
Recommendations for a healthy diet
A varied diet with suitable combinations and appropriate amounts of nutrient-rich and low-energy foods is paramount. The focus is on an adequate supply of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. It is also recommended to use sugar and salt sparingly and to limit yourself to drinks such as water.
10 recommendations
Below you will find 10 recommendations based on scientific findings by the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF):
Eat a varied diet: with appropriate combinations and adequate amounts of nutrient-rich and low-energy foods. Plant-based foods in particular belong on the menu.
Vegetables and fruit - eat "5 a day": At least 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit a day are recommended, preferably fresh, only briefly cooked, or one portion as a juice - ideally with every main meal and also as a snack between meals. This also includes pulses such as lentils, chickpeas and beans as well as (unsalted) nuts. This ensures a good supply of vitamins, minerals, fiber and secondary plant substances (e.g. carotenoids, flavonoids).
Choose whole grains: Bread, pasta, rice and flour - preferably made from whole grains - and potatoes contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Whole grain foods are more filling and contain more nutrients than white flour products. The recommended amount of fiber is 30 grams per day, which should come primarily from whole grain products.
Supplement your diet with animal-based foods: Eating fish once or twice a week contributes to a healthy diet, as sea fish contains iodine, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids, for example. Meat, sausages and eggs should be eaten in moderation. No more than 300 to 600 g per week is recommended. Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium and can be included in your daily diet. Meat is important because of its high content of available iron and vitamins B1, B6 and B12. However, it is recommended to eat less red meat and avoid processed meat.
Health-promoting fats: Fat provides vital (essential) fatty acids, and fatty foods also contain fat-soluble vitamins. Fat is particularly high in energy, so too much dietary fat can promote obesity and possibly cancer. Give preference to vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil and spreadable fats made from it. Avoid hidden fats. Fat is often "invisible" in processed foods such as sausage, baked goods, confectionery, fast food and convenience products. Vegetable oils, like all fats, provide many calories. However, they also provide essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
Cut down on sugar and salt: Sugar and foods or drinks made with different types of sugar are not recommended. Avoid these as far as possible and use sugar sparingly. A creative approach to herbs and spices is recommended, using only a small amount of salt. If salt is used, it should be enriched with iodine and fluoride. You should not consume more than 6 g of salt per day.
Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for life and you should drink around 1.5 liters per day. Preference should be given to water - sparkling or still - and other low-energy drinks. Sugar-sweetened drinks should only be consumed rarely because they are high in energy and can promote obesity if consumed in large quantities. Alcoholic drinks should only be consumed occasionally and only in small quantities.
Prepare gently: Food should be cooked at the lowest possible temperature and with as little water and fat as possible - this preserves the natural taste, protects the nutrients and prevents the formation of harmful compounds. The ingredients should be as fresh as possible.
Take your time and enjoy your meal: Eating should not be done on the side. Taking your time promotes a feeling of satiety.
Sufficient exercise: Watch your weight and keep moving. A balanced diet and moderate physical activity (30 to 60 minutes a day) go hand in hand and help to regulate body weight
Sources and useful links
German Nutrition Society, 10 rules of the DGE
German Nutrition Society, DGE Nutrition Circle
DKFZ Cancer Information Service, Nutrition and cancer prevention